Saturday, December 8, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I've been a little absent as of late... no excuses, but my camera is presently out of comission and things have been very busy. Nevertheless, I've recently been tagged by the lovely Juliet of The Broken Plate and Liz of Liz Mathew's Jewelry Design. Overall, a great excuse to shake out this dusty blog! So without further delay, here are 5 random facts about me...
  1. Fortunately, I've never broken a bone (not out of lack of opportunity) or had surgery. I've been a very lucky girl.

  2. For the past six years, I've taught rock climbing in addition to other adventure activities that focus on confidence and team building in addition to Leave No Trace principles. It's been a wonderful experience that has truly enriched my life.

  3. I hope to one day write and illustrate one or more children's books. I already have the characters and the theme, I'm just waiting for story to hit me... probably while I'm sleeping, showering, or driving (where all good ideas come from).

  4. When I was little, I aspired to be a professional roller-skater... or a veterinarian... or a mermaid. What, no professional mermaids?! How cool would it have been to roller-skate through life? Not quite ideal for the studio!

  5. Excess packaging drives me wild, I hate shopping bags (and usually bring my own), and I believe that we as consumers have a responsibility to stop buying things that will end up in landfills after a couple of seasons (i.e. holiday lawn decoration for example) in favor of making our own out of, say... found objects or recycled materials! Try DIY projects (great for the kiddos) and trade or gift with family and friends. Buy natural and biodegradable from renewable/sustainable resources and/or handmade to support small businesses, organizations that donate proceeds to charities, and the local economy. Or pass special holiday ornamentation down from generation to generation... the best ones usually are! After all, what holiday traditions are based in plastics anyway? BANG! CRASH! BUMP! Sorry, I think I just fell off my soapbox!
Wow, a lot of people I know have already been tagged. Lets see... I will tag: Rebecca, Beth, Maren, and Ellen!

The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

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