Saturday, August 23, 2008

Despite Me...

The apples and pears in our orchard are thriving and I've discovered I've made no plans for them! We've got (I think): Golden Delicious (gone), Granny Smith (nearly gone), and Jonathan(?) apples, in addition to Bosc and Sickle pears in abundance. The Bosc pears are the best I've ever had and all are available to anyone willing to make the trip!

Also flourishing are the cherry hot peppers and various tomatoes in the garden: Brandywine Heirlooms, Orange Mr. Stripey Heirlooms, Yellow Cherries, and Pumpkin tomatoes. I haven't felt much like cooking them so I've been existing on a diet heavy in tomato sandwiches, tomato-cucumber salad, tomato-basil salad, sliced tomatoes with salt & pepper, and most importantly, tomatoes right off the vine and into my mouth! Oh yeah, and omelets with tomato, basil, and sheep Romano. Mmmm.

NEEDED: great tomato recipes! Anyone?


jbgrinch said...

hi its jeremy from fest and I might take some pears. where are you? you can find me via my blogger profile I hope that you have recovered from fest

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