Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Holiday Heap THIS Saturday!

Friday, November 16, 2007
YouTube Baby!
On a completely unrelated note, it seems I (or at least my calves) have inadvertently hit the big time! This past August, I volunteered at the Philadelphia Folk Festival and was fortunate enough to work alongside the video production crew, a bunch of very talented professionals who volunteer their time to put on one class act production. The result is high quality imagery for the festival big screens and distribution of DVD's to the performers. Setting up the equipment, opperating a camera for the first time, and watching it all go down inside the mobile TV truck was such a wonderful learning experience. Needless to say I had a blast.
My first camera experience was on Saturday afternoon filming the band Old Springs Pike, a unique and delightfully difficult to categorize folk/rock band based in NYC. As you will see from the clip above, which was filmed by yours truly and others, OSP is an incredibly energetic bunch that truly enjoy performing their music live. They helped make the festival experience, not to mention my time behind the camera a truly enjoyable one. If you look real close, my camera (as well as my legs from the knee down) can be seen stage-right. Later that evening I met Heather, the female singer extraordinaire and was so delighted with how sweet she was. Check out their website and myspace to hear more music! Thanks OSP!